Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Fakebook Generation" Do We Friend Our Parents?

Do we accept our parents as friend on Facebook? Many people come across this issue everyday. Personally I don't see why so many people find that this is a problem. I have many of my family members that are my friends on Facebook. The only reason that I could see why someone would be against this would be if they had something to hide. 

With the way technology is expanding these days you should know never to post something on the internet that you would be ashamed for your family or others to see. I read an article the other day in which it stated that employers may start to have the right to ask for your information to you personal pages. Even if they are not granted this right there is always that chance that someone you work for or a family member will at some point see what you are posting. Just ask yourself, "Is what I'm writing worth losing my job or hurting my family?" 

Here is an example of what might happen if you bash someone on Facebook, especially your family.

So I think it is important to remember, whether you add your parents or not there is always a way for them to find out. Have respect for them and yourself and don't post negative things that could hurt someone. It not only your parents you should worry about, just take in account the bullying that is now happening through Facebook and other social sites. Soon we may see the freedom of these sights have more of a negative impact then good.

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