Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why did I go to College?

                I always knew I wanted to go to college from a young age. I had big dreams of becoming a doctor and taking care of sick kids. As time went on things in life change, yes I still had the same dream but my circumstances changed. When I got to my senior year of high school I started to take post-secondary classes and knew I wasn’t ready to go to college right away. I had a difficult time focusing and knew it would be a waste of time to try college at that stage of my life. I chose to enter the working world and do some life lessons through on the job training. Throughout my life I got the itch to go back to school and would try, but it never seemed like the right time and I’d quit.
                I was doing good with the work experience and advancement through job training. Then came the day I found out I was pregnant. I knew at this time I needed to make a change because as I was doing okay, I knew I wasn’t doing well enough to take care of me and my child. I sat down and did a lot of research on the best program and school for me before making my choice. I knew I had to do better for my son and here I am fourteen years after high school going back to college. For me I think this is the best decision I could have made. While I knew I could struggle through and make it work, I wanted better for my family. So at this time in my life college was the right choice, as it never was before.

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