Thursday, February 2, 2012

Grandpa, My hero

As a little girl I always looked up to my grandpa, he was a very influential part of my life. I can remember spending everyday after school at my grandparent, but the best part was when grandpa came home from work. See we had a ritual where he would come home and I would sit on his lap telling him about my day as we ate chocolate stars. Grandma use to get so mad at us and yell at grandpa that he was going to spoil my supper by giving me candy. Of course grandpa would just laugh and say that's my right, she's my little angel. I was the first born granddaughter and my grandpa was good at spoiling me, which I loved.

Even after all these years I can still hear his laugh, smell the smell that was my grandpa, and feel his arms hold me tight. He had one of those unique smells of a mix of coffee, cigarette smoke, grease and car fumes. I know weird huh, but my grandpa had been a mechanic all his life and to me it was the best smell ever.

As I grew up he would take me with him to work and taught me as much as I could absorb about cars, which I wish I could remember today. See I can't even go back and ask for a refresher as my grandpa had died when I was fourteen.

That day was one of the worst days ever in my young life. I had come home from school and my mom told me he was gone and all I could do was tell her she was lying, he would never leave me. My only regret was I never got to say goodbye, and he's not here so my kids can know how great he was.

See my grandpa was my hero, he was the man I looked up too. He was the most loving and caring person I know and he will forever be missed. This year I will be getting the greatest reminder of him that will be with me forever. I will be getting a memorial tattoo that I can carry as a constant reminder of the man who stole my heart at a young age and is forever missed.